Replicating default Windows context-menu entries

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Replicating default Windows context-menu entries

Post by jamiethomaswhite »

I really want full control over the list order of every item in the Windows context menu. With the Windows defaults, I often find it disordered and confusing.

To that end, I hid every option from the default context menu, which successfully resulted in a completetly empty context menu. Once I had done this, I began working out what I actually needed and adding placeholders for those entries back in. But that's as far as I have gotten. There are many operations I have no idea how to replicate or if it's even possible.

For reference, here is my current work in progress placeholder context menu:


These are all dummy entries and don't actually do anything. So, (if I can) how can I replicate the default commands (open, cut, copy, paste, rename, delete etc) using my custom entries so that I have full control over the list order?

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Re: Replicating default Windows context-menu entries

Post by Rubic »

There is no direct answer to what you are asking. This is because you cover several topics at the same time, the answers to which can be contradictory.

There is NO way to duplicate 100% system commands - I don't mean the ones you listed, but in general. One of the main reasons is that many commands do their "checkings" at runtime ("copy" a file path and "copy" the file itself - both go to the clipboard, "paste" needs to know what was copied at the time of copying) so that they don't interfere on the work of Windows (not to crash it) Another main reason is "security" - the commands of any cloud service (Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, ...) are authorized - your login credentials must not be accessed outside the command. These are not the only reasons.

System commands can only be imitated. This can be achieved with NS Functions (, a cmd or PowerShell commands. There are also those that cannot be imitated at wall like "Properties" (because of "security" tab).

it's much better to use existing commands that work without any comments, than to create new commands that have to be constantly checked for special cases and adjusted. Easier to replace one component than to build everything from scratch.

This is only one topic, and my question is: Are you sure this course of action is the best for you?

PS: it's hard to explain with whole posts - it's not like a dialogue that goes sequentially. Join NS Discord Channel If you want to discuss:

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Re: Replicating default Windows context-menu entries

Post by jamiethomaswhite »

As much as that's not entirely a solution to my problem, it's both exactly what I expected to hear (though I had hoped otherwise) and answers my questions. Thank you for your honesty and the very detailed response. I wish it wasn't so but, as I said, I expected some of what I was asking just wasn't possible, not within the confines of a simple context menu and especially on Windows.

Really, I just want all of the entries to respect the "pos" position command in Shell. But there are some entries, mainly Windows default entries, that refuse and cannot be rearranged. I hope that in future some of these issues can be ironed out, either by Microsoft or Nilesoft. Honestly, my money is on Nilesoft. They've already done wonders with my context menu.

Thanks again!

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