[App] ExplorerPatcher

Ready-made snippets of menu items you can quickly insert into your config file.

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[App] ExplorerPatcher

Post by Rubic »

ExplorerPatcher .png
ExplorerPatcher .png (20.91 KiB) Viewed 2830 times

The ExplorerPatcher context menu provides convenient access to the settings panel of ExplorerPatcher, a tool designed to enhance the functionality of Windows Explorer. Here's a breakdown of its key features:

  • Compatibility: It's important to note that the ExplorerPatcher menu is not compatible with the menu provided by Nilesoft Shell. This means that they cannot be used together seamlessly.
  • Positioning: The command for accessing ExplorerPatcher's settings panel is positioned within the context menu of the taskbar. Users can simply right-click on the taskbar to access this menu and find the necessary command.
  • Hidden Command: Additionally, there is a hidden command within the menu that can be revealed by holding down the Shift key while clicking. This serves as a backup option in case the primary command doesn't work as expected.

In summary, the ExplorerPatcher context menu offers a user-friendly way to access and configure ExplorerPatcher's settings directly from the taskbar, enhancing the user experience for Windows Explorer customization.

menu(title='ExplorerPatcher' type='taskbar' image=icon.settings(auto, color.red)) {
	item(title='Settings' image=inherit
		cmd='rundll32.exe' args='@sys.dir\dxgi.dll,ZZGUI')
	item(title='Settings' image=inherit
		cmd='rundll32.exe' args='"@sys.prog\ExplorerPatcher\ep_gui.dll",ZZGUI' where=keys.shift())
	item(title='Restart Explorer' image=image.glyph(\uE025)
		cmd='rundll32.exe' args='@sys.dir\dxgi.dll,ZZRestartExplorer') }
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