Go To "temporary"

Ready-made snippets of menu items you can quickly insert into your config file.

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Go To "temporary"

Post by Rubic »

The quick access menu is initially empty upon loading. To utilize it, you must first select directories, which can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Choose a folder and click "Add current path" to add the desired path.
  • Use predefined paths, such as "Set NS sys...," "Set NS user...," and "Set Example..." for demonstration purposes. (These can be deleted or hidden if desired, for example using "where=keys.shift()" ). The menu operates with a maximum of 10 paths, with the most recently selected path positioned at the top.
    menu.png (26.04 KiB) Viewed 4202 times

When a destination (directory) is selected, the menu checks if direct navigation is possible. If not, opens a new window. This smart feature minimizes opening a new window for each selected destination. Holding the Shift key always opens a new window for selected destinations.

The "Clear" command resets the menu, leaving it empty for the next selection. The menu resets upon PC restart, logout, explorer.exe restart, or NS loading. As the commands are temporarily stored in RAM, this menu is referred to as "temporary."

menu(title='make variables local' expanded=1) {
	// default order
	// next item
	$ni = 0
	// item paths
	$ip = ''
	menu(title='Go To@"\t"temporary' image=\uE14A) {
		item(title='Add current path' keys=ni+'/'+len(do) type='drive|dir|back.drive|back.dir|Desktop' 
		vis=if(len(do)<=ni or str.contains(str.join(ip,'|')+'|', sel+'|'), 'disable','normal') sep='after' image=icon.new_folder
			cmd={ ip=[  if(ni==0, sel, ip[0]), if(ni==1, sel, ip[1]), if(ni==2, sel, ip[2]), if(ni==3, sel, ip[3]), if(ni==4, sel, ip[4]), 
						if(ni==5, sel, ip[5]), if(ni==6, sel, ip[6]), if(ni==7, sel, ip[7]), if(ni==8, sel, ip[8]), if(ni==9, sel, ip[9])] ni+=1 })
		item(title=ip[toint(do[0])] where=path.exists(ip[toint(do[0])]) image=\uE1F4 commands{
			cmd=if(window.name=='CabinetWClass' and !keys.shift(), command.navigate(this.title), this.title),
			/*no need to change the order*/})
		item(title=ip[toint(do[1])] where=path.exists(ip[toint(do[1])]) image=\uE1F4 commands{
			cmd=if(window.name=='CabinetWClass' and !keys.shift(), command.navigate(this.title), this.title), 
			cmd={ do=str.get(do, 1)+str.remove(do, 1, 1) }})
		item(title=ip[toint(do[2])] where=path.exists(ip[toint(do[2])]) image=\uE1F4 commands{
			cmd=if(window.name=='CabinetWClass' and !keys.shift(), command.navigate(this.title), this.title), 
			cmd={ do=str.get(do, 2)+str.remove(do, 2, 1) }})
		item(title=ip[toint(do[3])] where=path.exists(ip[toint(do[3])]) image=\uE1F4 commands{
			cmd=if(window.name=='CabinetWClass' and !keys.shift(), command.navigate(this.title), this.title),
			cmd={ do=str.get(do, 3)+str.remove(do, 3, 1) }})
		item(title=ip[toint(do[4])] where=path.exists(ip[toint(do[4])]) image=\uE1F4 commands{
			cmd=if(window.name=='CabinetWClass' and !keys.shift(), command.navigate(this.title), this.title),
			cmd={ do=str.get(do, 4)+str.remove(do, 4, 1) }})
		item(title=ip[toint(do[5])] where=path.exists(ip[toint(do[5])]) image=\uE1F4 commands{
			cmd=if(window.name=='CabinetWClass' and !keys.shift(), command.navigate(this.title), this.title),
			cmd={ do=str.get(do, 5)+str.remove(do, 5, 1) }})
		item(title=ip[toint(do[6])] where=path.exists(ip[toint(do[6])]) image=\uE1F4 commands{
			cmd=if(window.name=='CabinetWClass' and !keys.shift(), command.navigate(this.title), this.title),
			cmd={ do=str.get(do, 6)+str.remove(do, 6, 1) }})
		item(title=ip[toint(do[7])] where=path.exists(ip[toint(do[7])]) image=\uE1F4 commands{
			cmd=if(window.name=='CabinetWClass' and !keys.shift(), command.navigate(this.title), this.title),
			cmd={ do=str.get(do, 7)+str.remove(do, 7, 1) }})
		item(title=ip[toint(do[8])] where=path.exists(ip[toint(do[8])]) image=\uE1F4 commands{
			cmd=if(window.name=='CabinetWClass' and !keys.shift(), command.navigate(this.title), this.title),
			cmd={ do=str.get(do, 8)+str.remove(do, 8, 1) }})
		item(title=ip[toint(do[9])] where=path.exists(ip[toint(do[9])]) image=\uE1F4 commands{
			cmd=if(window.name=='CabinetWClass' and !keys.shift(), command.navigate(this.title), this.title),
			cmd={ do=str.get(do, 9)+str.remove(do, 9, 1) }})
		item(title='Clear' where=ni>0 image=image.glyph(\uE0CE) sep='both' cmd={ do='0123456789' ni=0 ip='' })
		// where=keys.shift()
		item(title='Set NS sys...'  image=image.glyph(\uE0F9) cmd={ do='0123456789' ip=[user.desktop, user.downloads, user.documents, user.pictures] ni=len(ip) })
		item(title='Set NS user...' image=image.glyph(\uE0F9) cmd={ do='01234'      ip=['sys.dir', sys.bin, sys.prog, sys.prog32, sys.users] ni=len(ip) })
		item(title='Set Example...' image=image.glyph(\uE0F9) cmd={ do='0123456789' ip=['C:', user.desktop, '%temp%', sys.prog, sys.bin, '@user.localappdata\Programs\Microsoft VS Code'] ni=len(ip) }) }
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